Tuesday, February 1, 2011

  Thesis Crit #1 (Friday 1-29-11)

The thesis crit on Friday went very well.  Everyone had positive feedback and seemed to understand what my intentions for making such work.  The only thing that was suggested that I think about is where my work will be shown in the show.  It was suggested that I ask for one of the back rooms, but I do not know if I will need all that space now since certain things have changed.  Since talking to my crit group, my hopes for a large scale work that would have people walking in and out of does not seem so likely since the paper is not as sturdy and the wax would not help the situation.  Right now I am working on sculpture that is 44 3/4" by around 60".  Although I can not say for sure what my work will look like for the show, I know what it will incorporate in terms of materials and the process.  Below are pictures of the work that I showed on Friday and is my inspiration for my thesis project.  





1 comment:

  1. I really liked where you were going with these. I definitely think that you'll have to try a larger scale version just so you can't work out all of the issues before making your final thesis work. I love that you're using paper and creating an architectural effect with a material that is considered fragile and flimsy. Richard Serra's work is definitely a great reference for inspiration. I agree with not using colored paper because color brings an associated meaning to the structure that you may not be intending so I think sticking to white paper would be the best. I would consider lighting for your piece because the shadows create depth in the space and I think different lighting angles can make drastic differences. I know you were talking about using water color paper but getting the roll of it and reworking the shapes with it all connecting I think will be nice instead of being limited to the standard sheet of paper.
