Monday, May 2, 2011

Reflecting the end of the Semester

As I reflect on thesis it becomes clear that this semester has been a learning expirence for me.  Writing the paper was a challenge because it had to be written and submitted before the series was completed.  Now I feel that this is the right time to say what I did not say in my paper.

When I was creating the sculptural forms I held the process to be an important characteristic in each form.  The transition of working from one form to another has made myself and the materials speak, through tares, drip marks, and evidential physical interaction between myself the materials and the materials amongst themselves.  Everything that was produced during the process was created so that by allowing the materials to take control pure sculptural form would be achieved.  Pure sculptural form signifies the finished creation that a process produces.  It is not meant to be representational and what ever the outcome it is due to the process that allows the artist and the material(s) to be accounted for and present in the end. 

At the completion of the series and the forms were installed in the show, I had my visiting artist critique with Ethan Greenbaum.  The discussion opened my eyes to possibly introducing the act of documentation during the process.  So that in the end what is shown to the viewer is not only the forms but documentation (video or photographs) of what transpired.  Aside from also giving me names of artists that would be helpful to look at, I left that critique feeling great knowing that someone who has never seen my work can breathe new life into each piece through their own representation.  Witnessing that has made me value my process and appreciate the abstract physical characteristics the forms hold in a representational world. 

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